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Welcome to our Xpressions section.

This section is a showcase for young Asian people's writings.
Click on the links to read the works.

Workshop Pieces
A sample collection of work from young Asian Women writers who attended AaGhee workshops. The subsequent work was collected and published by AaGhee (click here for event pictures).

Submitted Pieces
A sample of submissions by our users, specially selected by our Editor.

If you'd like to submit some work for publication then use the facility below.

Registered Users
If you have registered before and would like to make a submission, just click on the link above. You will need your password number (given to you when you registered) and your email address. You can make as many submissions as you like.

New Users
If you would like to use all the facilities on the site then you will need to register. Just click the above link and fill in the form.
Once you have registered you will be able to make submissions and also post replies in our discussion forums.

Forgotten Passwords?
If you have forgotten your password, click on the above link and enter your name and we will retrieve your password for you. You will need your email address.

Submission Terms & Conditions
Click here for the Terms & Conditions for submissions. If you are considering making a submission we advise you to read these Terms & Conditions.