AaGhee (awareness) is Pakistani Professional Women's social, cultural and literary initiative, which was set up in 1997 in Birmingham.
Our Aims
Our primary aim is to raise awareness among the Asian community about the social, cultural, emotional and intellectual needs of Asian women and in particular Pakistani and Kashmiri women who we believe are excluded for various social and cultural reasons.
We aim to provide a platform for these women to express their feelings and to share their views about the various social and cultural issues encountered by them on a daily basis, in a safe and supportive environment.
We hope to empower and assist these women to have a better understanding of themselves and their environment that affects the quality of their life.
We aim to promote racial harmony and a greater sense of belonging by promoting the literature, arts, culture and social environment of these women so that a positive cultural identity could be enhanced.
Razia K Ismail
(Chair of AaGhee)
