This section highlights the creative Urdu writings of Asian women in the United Kingdom.
We also present English translations of distinguished International women Urdu writers.
Our Links option showcases a variety of Urdu websites covering news, music, culture, fashion and creative writings.
Submissions Policy | |
New submissions are most welcome. If you'd like to submit poetry, in Urdu or English, for our consideration to post here, forward your work to aaghee@hotmail.com. Submitted work should be of a reasonable length and sent as email attachments including the senders name and address. Submissions will only be published on the site at the discretion of Aaghee and we will not enter into discussion with authors regarding rejected work.
English poetry should be submitted as a simple text file. Urdu poetry should be submitted as a jpg file, not to exceed 400 by 1400pixels. The quality of the submitted file should be equivalent to those already on the website. Good quality photoscans, which follow the submission requirements, will be considered but Aaghee reserves the right to reject pieces requiring cleaning up.
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